Shop Hours: Tue &Thurs 2-6pm, Sat 10am-2pm
Join us for Coffee and Buzz on Saturday mornings 10-Noon
for snacks and conversation!

04/11/2024 - Package Bee Delivery Update

11th Apr 2024

At this point, we expect the packages to be available for pickup on Tuesday April 23 and Wednesday April 24.

NOTE: This timeline could still change!
As always, we appreciate your understanding.

Please stay tuned and check the website for further updates. Posting to the website is easier to do from the road than sending mass emails.

It is important that you pick up your bees as soon as you can, even if you will hold them overnight before installing them.
We strongly encourage you to pick them up on Tuesday or Wednesday.
If you cannot pick up your bees within two days of their arrival, please let us know ASAP and we'll do our best to make arrangements with you.

Thank you!